Kamis, 29 April 2010

Diposting oleh Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

Many differences of opinion among streams within Islam who said the Prophet Khidhir had died there that has not died, and until now the Prophet Khidhir still be on this earth, it is the right of opinion but each course must be based on the science in accordance with Islamic teachings. But for the Sunny Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama `ah that is a belief that there are four Prophets who are still alive two in heaven and on earth, the heavens are two of the Prophet Idris and the Prophet Jesus and the earth is the prophet Elijah and Khidr. Ane Well now is not going to discuss about their lives but want to share about wirid ane always be carried out by the prophet Elijah and Khidr a wirid very important in increasing our unity in God and most importantly this wirid read in order to meet the Prophet Khidr. There was a general diploma that is all people can read it and pass it on for the sake of Islam but do not get bored-bored ane recommend to ask for a diploma in particular to the local Ulema-antum live antum afdhol and all that adds more to know faidah contained in this wirid.Antum-antum all tafdhol can download here
hopefully useful

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